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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen Annotation: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se na osnovu praćenja titra antitela klase G kod prasadi i tovljenika utvrdi uticaj vakcinacije na visinu titra antitela specifičnih za PCV2, kao i da se utvrdi uticaj vakcinacije na proizvodne osobine svinja.

skausmas alkūnės įtampą kai dalyvaujant sąnarių skausmas

Mere imunoprofilakse, koje se ipak smatraju nezamenljivim u kontroli ove bolesti kod nas do sada nisu bile deo kontrole, nasuprot velikom broju vakcinisanih krmača i prasadi u svetu. Ogled je urađen na prasadi podeljenih u 3 grupe po prasadi.

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Prva grupa A vakcinisana je Na sam dan vakcinacije sva prasad su pokazala prisustvo antitela specifičnih za PCV2. Najveći titar antitela konstatovan je 7 dana nakon vakcinacije u grupi B i iznosio je 9,63, u grupi A 8,59, a u grupi C 7.

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Najniže prosečne vrednosti tira antitela kod vakcinisanih grupa utvrđene su U kontrolnoj grupi od momenta početka ogleda prosečan titar opada kontinuirano do Daleko bolji rezultati dobijeni su kod prasadi iz grupe B, pa bi vakcinacija prasadi U našim ispitivanjima konstatovani su povoljni efekti u svim fazama ogleda, te stoga primenjena vakcina zaslužuje da bude deo svakog zdravstvenog programa koji se primenjuje u proizvodnji kvalitetnih i zdravih svinja.

The aim of this research was to determine the effect of vaccination on the amount of antibody titers specific for PCV2, and to determine the effect of vaccination on characteristics of pig production, based on the observed class G antibody titers in piglets and fattener pigs.

gydymas artrozės šepečiai rankas kaip pašalinti nuo pirštų rankų sąnarių uždegimą liaudies gynimo

Immunoprophylaxis measures, that are still considered indispensable in this disease prevention have not been part of the control in our country, as opposed to a po lūžių skauda peties sąnarį number of vaccinated sows and piglets in the world. The experiment was conducted on piglets divided into 3 groups of piglets.

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The first group A was vaccinated at 15 days old, swelling in finger joints during pregnancy second B at 21 days old while the third group C was the control group. On the day of vaccination, all pigs showed the presence of antibodies specific for PCV2.

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The highest antibody titer was found 7 days after vaccination in group B and was 9. The lowest values of antibody titers in vaccinated groups were found on 35th day and the highest on 90th day after vaccination.

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In the control group, from the moment the trial started, the average titer decreased continuously until the 60th day, after which the antibody titer specific for PCV2 tended to rise.

Group B piglets attained the best results, so the vaccination of piglets at 21 days old would have an advantage compared to vaccination at 15 days old, although we note that at 15 days old, there is a far greater influence of maternal antibodies on the creation and development of immune responses in the piglets after vaccination.

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In our examinations the favorable effects at all stages of the experiment are ascertained, therefore applied vaccine deserves to be part of any health program which is applied in the production of high-quality and healthy pigs.